Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chapter Ten: The Shell and the Glasses

Chapter Ten: The Shell and the Glasses
"It was an accident."  "that's what it was.  An accident"
It is the day after the death of Simon, Ralph is feeling miserable knowing what he had done, but Piggy insists it was all a mistake and accident.  Its down to Piggy, the only one left on Ralph's side and supporting him.  All the others have moved to Jacks side.  Jack dictatorship and savage behavior continues to progressively get worse and worse.  He punishes and hurts the other boys for no reason and thinks he can do whatever he wants.  His next targets were Ralph and Piggy, attacking and beating them up, getting away with piggy's glasses.  I believe that Piggy does not feel the same way as Ralph does about the death of Simon, because he is afraid to admit the truth and does not want to admit becoming "savage" either.  I think Piggy has stayed with Ralph all along was, because Ralph was very understanding of Piggy and he did not find much wrong with him.  Also i do not think the others moved to Jacks side because they did not like Ralph, but because of they were afraid if they didn't they would be the next one to die.  

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