Monday, May 28, 2012

Chapter Twelve: Cry of the Hunters

 Chapter Twelve: Cry of the Hunters
 "They hate you, Ralph.  They're going to do you."
Ralph has just witnessed the death of Piggy and knows he is next.  Running to who knows where in the jungle, Ralph comes upon the stick used for the pig head, and uses it to defend himself in case Jack came anytime soon.  While he he going through the jungle he also comes upon Sam and Eric, who warn him about what Jack and his tribe is planning to do to him the next day.  The next day Ralph can hear Jack's tribe coming and sneaks off not before he realizes that he has set the jungle on fire to smoke him out.  His tribe is getting closer and closer, Ralph finds himself sprinting to the beach where he comes across a navy officer.  The officer tells him he has saw the fire and came to see what it was all about.  After he learns the truth about what has really been going on, he is shocked to see what savages all of these boys have become.  I was very surprised that at the end Ralph was being the one hunted and not someone like Jack.  In the beginning Jack was the choir boy who no one really knew, but eventually became savage.  I also was not surprised that the twins came back to Ralph to tell him what Jack was planning to do to him because they were always close and go t along well.

Chapter Eleven: Castle Rock

Chapter Eleven: Castle Rock
"Well, we won't be painted," "because we aren't savages."
The hope of making a fire comes to a stop for Ralph and Piggy now that Piggy's glasses are gone.  Ralph can no  longer take it and calls a meeting with the very few people still on his side.  They all decide to go to face Jack's tribe at Castle Rock confronting them about the importance of a fire.  The discussion does not last very long, before Ralph and Jack are in a fighting yelling and beating each other up.  Piggy tries to stop the fight by telling them about how the fire could rescue them all.  Before you know Piggy is the new target.  Rodger shoves a giant boulder over the mountain side onto Piggy, killing him.  Ralph see's the whole thing happen and knows he is next and quickly escapes, with Jack's tribe not far behind.  I believe that they stole Piggy's glasses not only in hope of making a fire of their own but, to aggravate them even more and so they would come up to Castle Rock to face them.  I also believe that if Piggy did not come into the discussion, Ralph would have been killed instead of Piggy.  I think that Piggy was killed not only for dropping into a bad situation, but he was not liked by many people in he first place and was always trying to offer ideas, but they just thought of him being annoying.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chapter Ten: The Shell and the Glasses

Chapter Ten: The Shell and the Glasses
"It was an accident."  "that's what it was.  An accident"
It is the day after the death of Simon, Ralph is feeling miserable knowing what he had done, but Piggy insists it was all a mistake and accident.  Its down to Piggy, the only one left on Ralph's side and supporting him.  All the others have moved to Jacks side.  Jack dictatorship and savage behavior continues to progressively get worse and worse.  He punishes and hurts the other boys for no reason and thinks he can do whatever he wants.  His next targets were Ralph and Piggy, attacking and beating them up, getting away with piggy's glasses.  I believe that Piggy does not feel the same way as Ralph does about the death of Simon, because he is afraid to admit the truth and does not want to admit becoming "savage" either.  I think Piggy has stayed with Ralph all along was, because Ralph was very understanding of Piggy and he did not find much wrong with him.  Also i do not think the others moved to Jacks side because they did not like Ralph, but because of they were afraid if they didn't they would be the next one to die.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chapter Nine: A View to a Death

Chapter Nine: A View to a Death
"Simon was crying out something about a dead man on a hill."
When Simon comes back to, he decides to continue his journey up the mountain to find this "beastie"  As he reaches they top he comes across shocked to what he has found.  In front of him lies a dead man, with a parachute attached to him.  He is quick to turn around, sprinting down the mountain to tell the others what this "beastie" really is.  On the island the others were having a great time dancing around, eating as much pig meat as they could get, until they heard a noise in a nearby bush.  Immediate thoughts of the beast ran through everyone's minds, and they were soon on the attack, not knowing that it was there dear friend Simon.  Simon tried his hardest to tell them who he was, but it was to late, the violent abuse and beating lead to his death.  Together both Simon and the dead parachutist flowed out to sea.  I believe that Simon would have been a great assistant leader or maybe even leader.  He was not afraid to speak about new ideas and explore new possibilities.  If they would not have ended Simon's life they would have found the real reason behind the "beastie" and kept a wise little boy around.  Everyone on the island was involved in the death of Simon, everyone is becoming a savage.

Chapter Eight: Gift for the Darkness

Chapter Eight: Gift for the Darkness
"He's like Piggy.  He say things like Piggy.  He isn't a proper chief."
The sight of the "beastie" calls for an automatic meeting to warn the others, but this time it is not callled by Ralph, but Jack.  He suggests to the group that they should choose him as there leader and not Ralph.  Even though they still want Ralph to be there leader, they follow Jack on his journey to find the "beastie".  Leaving Ralph behind, he is soon cheered up by the ideas of Piggy.  Piggy suggests that they make a fire in hope of getting rescued, and Ralph greatly loves the idea.  On Jack's journey they come across another pig, which they kill and then use the head as the symbol of "lord of the flies", which they set upon the beach.  Simon comes upon the pig head and continue to stares at it, till it starts speaking to him which sets him into a seizure.  I believe that people are siding more with Jack as there "chief", because he is the one they see as their protector and food provider,and they don't want to loose that.  Also i think that now Ralph better understands and accepts Piggy, knowing what great ideas he can offer.  When they cut off the pig head and put it on the beach, it shows the real savage side not only of Jack, but of all his hunters.  I also believe that Simon not only feel into a seizure because of what he was looking at, but because he is becoming weak and less cared for.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chapter Seven: Shadows and Tall Trees

Chapter Seven: Shadows and Tall Trees
"Kill the pig!  Cut his throat!  Kill the pig! Bash him in!"
Ralph is starting to give up hope.  Hope that they will get rescued and that his leadership will not be taken over by Jack. But being rescued is the least thing that is everyone's mind, they are now determined to go find and destroy the "beastie".  While on the search for the "beastie" the hunters come across a pig which they quickly run after, and eventually Ralph joins in on.  With the pig escaping from the boys sight, Robert is there new target.  They use Robert to reenact the hunt, so they can get some practice.  With all the jabbing and beating towards Robert, it nearly kills him.  Jack, Rodger, and Ralph continue on there journey climbing the mountain for the "beastie"  As they get toward the top, they come across a "beastie" like figure, quickly sending them to tell the others about what they had just saw.  I believe that Ralph is becoming week, and that he should stand up to the others and tell them the real importance about them being rescued.  Now that Ralph is becoming weaker he is falling to the savage and inhumane side of things, just like Jack.  I think that the others are starting to favor Jack, making Ralph feel the need to follow and somewhat listen to him.  Lastly i think now that they saw the "beastie" with their own eyes, they will be more determined to kill and destroy it.    

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Chapter Six: Beast from Air

Chapter Six: Beast from Air
"We've seen the beast with our own eyes.  No-we weren't asleep-"
After a stressful and late night meeting everyone heads off to bed.  They are soon awaken in mid morning to the screams of Sam and Eric.  They had seen and been assaulted by the "beastie" they claim.  Another meeting is immediately called by Ralph.  After the frightening and scary stories about the "beastie" everyone except Piggy and the littluns set off in search for it.  They search in all sorts of parts of the island in hope that this "beastie" will be found.  I believe that Sam and Eric are very frightened, which is causing them to exaggerate most of their stories, leading people to think things are way more serious than they actually are.  I think that Ralph does not believe in this "beastie" but is searching for it just to show them that there really is no "beastie" and there is nothing to worry about.  They are scared because there is no one much older than them or anybody really responsible enough to take care of them and protect them.  So everything they turn to is something challenging or scary for them. 

Chapter Five: Beast From Water

Chapter Five: Beast From Water
"Things are breaking up. I don't understand why.  We began well; we were happy. And then-"
Ralph is becoming very frustrated not only about how he looks, but about how his leadership.  He calls a meeting to remind the group that they are a team and need to work together if they want things done and accomplished.  People are refusing to work on building the shelters, gather drinking water, use the designated toilet area, and keep up with the fire.  He does not know where to turn with his other island members, they just do not listen.  The littluns continue to talk about the "beastie" and this time they actually saw it, and it was in the water.  Jack and his hunters go off to discover if there really is a "beastie" and to get rid of it if there is.  I believe that the others do not want to what Ralph wants to do, but do what they want to do.  They want to do what they think is best for the island, and so some can get out of doing any of the hard work.  Ralph is becoming weaker and weaker as a person and as a leader, and all of the others are taking advantage of that.  I believe that talk of the "beastie" will get everyone more distracted, causing them to get even more off track. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chapter Four: Painted Faces and Long Hair

Chapter Four: Painted Faces and Long Hair
"You said you wanted things done. So as we could be rescued."  "Oh, shut up."
Tension between Ralph and Jack continue to rise and rise.  The debate between Jack being to involved in hunting and not trying to get rescued also continues.  Just when you think things were stressed enough, another issue arises.  Jack had been to focused on hunting pigs that he did not maintain the fire.  This made Ralph furious, especially knowing that a ship had passed by.  At the same time Ralph has to deal with the complaints of the littluns.  They continue to talk about this "beastie" that they believe is somewhere lurking on the island.  I believe that all of this stress is getting to Ralph.  He does not know where to turn or think of new ideas, he just has to much to handle.  It does not help that many will not listen to him or take his advice.  On the other hand, i think that Jack's mind has become "savage", he is to worried about killing and torturing that he has complete forgot about anything else.  With his painted face and his hunting game on, he no longer thinks of human tactics, but as of a wild animal.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chapter Three: Huts on the Beach

Chapter Three: Huts on The Beach
"The best thing we can do is get ourselves rescued" Jack had to think for a moment before he could remember what rescue was. "Rescue? Yes, of course! All the same, I'd like to catch a pig first..."
 Jack is on a mission, and that mission is for food.  Jack is determined to kill a pig so he can get some meat, with no focus on anything else.  Ralph, Simon and the others work hard building shelters and trying to make up plans for any possible way to be rescued.  Ralph becomes angry with Jack, and they continue to argue about what is really important on the island.  I believe that Jack is so caught up in finding some meat because, he never thought about get rescued and that they probably never has a chance.  He thinks of the island as his new home and is doing anything to survive.  Ralph on the other hand, i believe he could care less about the necessities and he wants to focus on getting off of the island.  He tries to get everyone to work together and do something that could help them with getting rescued.  With Piggy always nagging and Jack not listening tension becomes high within Ralph, which is reflecting on how he acts towards the others. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Chapter Two: Fire on the Mountain

Chapter Two: Fire on the Mountain
"We're on an island.  We've been on the mountain top and seen water all round.  We saw no houses, no smoke, no footprints, no boats, no people.  We're on an uninhabited island with no other people on it."
Now that everyone on the island is together, Ralph separates them into different groups to complete different tasks.  Tasks such as building a fire and searching for food.  Once Ralph comes to realize that no one is there to help them, and that they are on there own i believe he becomes very worried and tries to come up with a plan.  I think his idea of having the boys build a fire on top of the mountain so other ships could see the smoke signals is a great idea.  With the boys lack of knowledge of living in the wild and the fire continuing to go out there chances of being rescued of even seen are very small.  I think that Ralph is just trying to think of ideas and trying to make the others convinced he knows what he is talking about.  In reality he just wants to be the one that everyone looks up to and tell them what to do.  Between tasks Piggy continues to give words of advice to possibly help the situation, but to Ralph anything Piggy says means nothing.  I believe that Piggy could actually offer a huge amount of help, but Ralph is to ignorant and self centered to take a chance and listen.    

Chapter One: The Sound of the Shell

Chapter One:The Sound of the Shell
"A leader takes people where they want to go.  A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be." 
I think the boys choose there Chief based upon how powerful Ralph appears to them and that the fact he is the one holding the conch.  To the others the conch represents power and authority, ultimately leading them to choose Ralph as there chief.  He was the one who blew the conch, attracting all the other boys on the island.   Also I think they choose him because he was the oldest, making the others think he was the wisest and smartest.  For the boys to succeed on this island there will have to be a lot of teamwork and good instructions from there chief.  Besides just telling them what to do, Ralph will have to step up and teach them survival skills, ways to be rescued, how to act in case of an emergency, how to work together, and much more!  I believe a group council would have been a better choice in this situation, because it would have brought a lot more ideas together, and there would be more people so they could help out in different situations.